
Berawal dari ketiadaan, kita berpikir dan belajar untuk menciptakan. Membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih baik, lebih berarti dan lebih bermanfaat. "Mari berbagi manfaat" #Give thank to Allah, the Creator of all things.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gara-gara Slilit,Sang Kiai Disiksa Oleh Allah

Diceritakan seorang Kyai Fulan, beliau sangat masyhur di daerahnya, bukan saja kealiman ilmunya tetapi budi pekertinya juga sangat baik. Suatu saat sang Kyai diundang kenduri oleh warganya, maka beliau bergegas menghadiri undangan tersebut dengan mengajak seorang Santri sebagai pendamping. Jamuanpun dihidangkan Kyai juga tidak ketinggalan menikmati hidangan yang disediakan tuan rumah. Selesai makan sang Kyai merasa ada “sesuatu” yang mengganggu pada giginya, ya ada sisa daging yang menyelilit, Kyai sudah berusaha menghilangkan “slilit” tetapi gagal dan rupanya tidak ada alat untuk digunakan menghilangkan slilit itu. 

Setelah selesai sang Kyai segera pulang, tapi dia masih terganggu oleh slilit, karena terganggu maka sang Kyai berusaha mencari alat untuk menghilangkan slilit itu. Di sebuah perkebunan beliau melihat pagar dari bambu, tanpa pikir panjang beliau memerintahkan santrinya untuk mematahkan bambu, yang akan digunakan menghilangkan slilitnya. Waktu terus berjalan, kemudian sang Kyai Fulan meninggal dunia. 

Suatu hari sang santri yang dulu mengantar sang Kyai berziarah, entah mengapa sang santri tertidur di makam sang Kyai. Ditengah tidurnya sang santri bermimpi bertemu dengan sang Kyainya. “Assalamu’alaikum wahai Kyai!” kata Santri. “Walaikum Salam santriku” Jawab Kyai. “Waduh Kyai kenapa badan Kyai seperti ini? Bukankah Kyai ahli ibadah” Tanya santri penasaran karena melihat badan kyainya penuh sisa cabukan. “Oh santriku…, memang aku ahli ibadah, namun kau masih ingatkan waktu pulang dari kenduri…, aku mencuri bambu, dan rupanya sipemiliknya tidak rela…., sehingga aku disiksa demikian” Kata sang Kyai sambil menunjukkan luka-luka di badannya. “Santriku … tolong aku …, mintakan kehalalan dari pemilik kebun yang kucuri pagar bambunya…”Kata Kyai sambil menangis. 

Sang santri terjaga dari tidurnya, ia segera pulang dan menemui pemilik kebun yang dulu pagar bambunya dicuri sang Kyai. Sang santri menceritakan hal ihwal yang menimpa pada Kyainya, Kemudian pemilik kebun menghalalkan apa yang telah diambil sang Kyai. Pada waktu yang lain sang santri bermimpi bertemu dengan sang Kyai. Dalam mimpinya kali ini sang santri melihat wajah sang Kyai berseri-seri dan tubuh yang bersinar-sinar. Rupanya setelah sang pemilik kebun menghalalkan, maka Allah pun juga mengampuni dosanya. Marilah kita renungkan cerita di atas, agar kita terhindar dari perbuatan yang tidak terpuji, meskipun itu sangat sepele.

error unknown filesystem Entering rescue mode grub rescue

Solving problem without live cd

error unknown filesystem
Entering rescue mode. . .

grub rescue> ls #check your linux partition

grub rescue> ls (hd0, gpt5)/ #my linux partition

./ ../ lost+found/ etc/ media/ bin/
boot/ dev/ home/ lib/ mnt/ opt/ proc/
root/ run/ sbin/ libx32/ srv/ sys/ tmp/
usr/ var/ vmlinuz initrd.img
cdrom/ .qgis2/ .config/ boot-sav/
lib64/ grub_old/ libnss3.so

#set prefix and root to linux partition

grub rescue> set prefix=(hd0,gpt5)/boot/grub
grub rescue>set root=hd0,gpt5
grub rescue> insmod /boot/grub/i386-pc/linux.mod
grub rescue > linux /vmlinuz root= /dev/sda5 ro
grub rescue > initrd /initrd.img
grub rescue > boot

Setelah masuk ubuntu, instal grub
dengan perintah berikut di terminal :

#install grub

sudo update-grub
sudo grub-install --force /dev/sda
sudo reboot

Alhamdulillah sudah berhasil dengan cara
saya diatas. silahkan di save ngeh,
barangkali perlu dan sedang tidak ada live

jika tidak berhadil coba pakai

#Alternative solve
#set prefix and root to linux partition

grub rescue> set prefix=(hd0,gpt5)/boot/grub
grub rescue>set root=hd0,gpt5
grub rescue >insmod normalgrub rescue >normal

Other notes: Grub Ubuntu Rescue. error: will not proceed with blocklists. http://muhammadbaihaqi-martin92.blogspot.com/2013/10/grub-ubuntu-rescue-error-will-not.html

Install ECW support QGIS 2.2.0-Valmiera on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

1. Download ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1.bin in http://download.intergraph.com/

Search ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK v5.1 (Linux) or clik http://download.intergraph.com/downloads/erdas-ecw-jp2-sdk-v5.1-%28linux%29?startdownload=1

Open folder download and copy this file "ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1.bin" to Home

2. Open Terminal in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and apply the following commands:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

3. Add a ubuntugis ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu raring main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu raring main

4. Save and exit

5. Open Terminal in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and apply the following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libgdal-ecw-src

chmod +x ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1.bin

./ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1.bin #Select option desktop read only

sudo cp -r ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1 /usr/local/

sudo ln -s /usr/local/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only/lib/x86/release/libNCSEcw.so /usr/local/lib/libNCSEcw.so

sudo ldconfig

sudo apt-get install libgdal-ecw-src

sudo gdal-ecw-build /usr/local/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only

gdalinfo --formats | grep -i ecw

And see on terminal
  ECW (rw+): ERDAS Compressed Wavelets (SDK 5.1)
  JP2ECW (rw+v): ERDAS JPEG2000 (SDK 5.1)

Open your QGIS, and lets go to pray

Friday, April 25, 2014

My Personality in Talentoday

Personality radar



Ease in public: 6
You can be reserved but that does not prevent you from expressing your opinion in public or to new people.

Opening up to others: 4
You favor your opinions and generally pay moderate attention to new ideas.

Diplomacy: 7
You prefer to avoid conflict. You carefully express your point of view making sure not to offend your audience.

Persuasion: 6
You do not necessarily like to argue, but do not hesitate to defend your points of view when necessary.


Leading: 6
Leading a team does not come naturally to you but you can accept the group's decision.
Taking responsibility: 8
You readily volunteer for new assignments and you like to be considered the key to success.

Organization: 5
You are methodical and organized but are also flexible when faced with unexpected circumstances.

Vision: 7
You like to adopt an objective approach and go to the heart of the matter rather than to spend time on tasks which require going into detail.


Self-confidence: 6
You are able to trust your judgement and overcome your doubts when you are not certain about succeeding.

Independent mind: 4
You do not appreciate criticism and like to trust the opinion of the majority.

Creativity: 6
You show originality but without questioning established procedures.

Autonomy: 2
You need precise guidelines for your work, you feel reassured under supervision.


Stress management: 6
You are able to manage your stress even if you avoid exposing yourself to pressure.

Responsiveness: 5
You take the time to reflect in order to assess situations but you are also able to react spontaneously if need be.

Patience: 5
You favor actions which enable you to obtain immediate results, you don't like to wait to obtain concrete results.

Respect for authority: 8
You value respect for authority and customs, you do not like to break rules.


Determination: 4
You are able to review your objectives in the event of difficulty, you prefer to avoid confrontation with obstacles.

Ambition: 3
You need to progress at your own pace, your career is not a priority.

Work ethic: 2
You do not like working hard without a break, you tend to measure your effort.

Competitive spirit: 9
You are comfortable in competitive situations. You like to be challenged and prefer competition to cooperation.

 Motivations radar


Social recognition: 8
You believe that the prestige of a position or the reputation of a company is important.

Pay: 5
You would like to receive a high income even if money is not an objective.

Security: 7
You do not always seek security in your work even if you prefer to avoid taking risks.

Private / professional life: 4
You like having free time for your hobbies even if professional activity remains a priority.

Philanthropy: 8
You are interested by the prospect of relating a humanitarian cause of a social aim to your assignments.

Need to belong: 5
You like to belong to groups or networks. You are aware of their importance but they are not a major concern.
Need for relations: 6
You like to have contact with others even if you are capable of progressing alone.
Need for variety: 1
You are not motivated by having a variety of assignments, you need to focus on one main activity.

Mario Teguh's Quotes


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