
Berawal dari ketiadaan, kita berpikir dan belajar untuk menciptakan. Membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi lebih baik, lebih berarti dan lebih bermanfaat. "Mari berbagi manfaat" #Give thank to Allah, the Creator of all things.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Eartquake in West Sumatera, Indonesia

An earthquake is one of the small picture... At the end of the disaster occurs, each busy safety. Wealth and wealth that has been pursued without the familiar rules of time and left granted. More expensive cars luxury, like a good home palace, a lot of cattle and rice broad fields seemed no means altogether. All ignored again, the importance of how to he survived the disaster. How big favor as well as the life of nature. nature may have been bored... to all... I live alone... stare at the sky.... goods times there is the answer... My ground why the disaster...... This song may remind us of a thing, That we must keep our environment will be consistent with our lives. Hopefully we can take wise wisdom and lessons related to the earthquake disaster reduction is 7.6 SR occurred in the realm of Minang(West Sumatera, Indonesia) it. and may be given patience and peace of soul and physically for the victims affected by this natural disaster... And another thing... No one knows the will of Allah S.W.T. so use the time in the life friends with benefits and advise each other in goodness, ok. By Martin M. Baihaqi

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